Tatyana Batrak - Your Partner for Success

With over 15 years of experience, we are tailored to help firms thrive in today's competitive landscape by offering expert medical record review

Our Services

We are committed to providing our clients with the highest quality service
and the most accurate results. We conduct comprehensive audits of medical records and additional material that is in line with the objective of the review.

Strategic Planning - The Consultation

If you feel your company can benefit from a comprehensive record review and analysis, we will begin by scheduling a free consultation. We offer telecommunication options as well as video conference.

During the consultation, we will gather all relevant information and identify the outcomes that are important to you by designing a plan specific to meet your company's needs.

Records Analysis

A meticulous audit, review and documentation of initial and subsequent medical/case records followed by a detailed report and any additional summaries to as determined by the client.

All reviews are conducted by a Licensed Vocational Nurse with over 15 years’ experience in medical auditing and analysis.

Under HIPAA regulations, a nurse is obligated to guide patients on the process of accessing their own medical information, including providing the necessary forms and information on how to submit a request. If deemed necessary, we can guide you through requesting complete medical records from a treating facility.

HIPAA Disclosure

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

Improve the portability of health insurance, protect patient’s privacy, ensure that health information is kept secure and notify patients of breaches of their health data.

All licensed nurses in California are bound by HIPAA regulations. Our company will provide a HIPAA disclosure before the commencement of any work. This ensures that any information provided or accessed during the review is protected work product, not to be shared with any other parties, nor can it be shared or talked about unless it pertains to the review between employees within Charting Compliance. Electronic information will be stored in a folder allocated for each specific case. We do not allow printing or copying any portion of the medical record, unless approved and deemed necessary by the client. Any device used to access the protected work product must be equipped with a passcode. Any laptops used to review protected work product must be locked, medical information shall never be left open and unattended as this directly violates the client's privacy and compromises the protected information.

Your rights to accessing your medical records

California Health & Safety Code section 123100 et seq. establishes a patient's right to see and receive copies of his or her medical records, under specific conditions and/or requirements as shown below. The law only addresses the patient's request for copies of their own medical records and does not cover a patient's request to transfer records between healthcare providers or to provide the records to an insurance company or an attorney;

Section 123110 of the Health & Safety Code specifically provides that any adult patient, or any minor patient who by law can consent to medical treatment (or certain patient representatives), is entitled to inspect patient records upon written request to a physician and upon payment of reasonable clerical costs to make such records available. The physician must then permit the patient to view their records during business hours within five working days after receipt of the written request. The patient or patient's representative may be accompanied by one other person of their choosing. Prior to inspection or copying of records, physicians may require reasonable verification of identity, so long as this is not used oppressively or discriminatorily to frustrate or delay compliance with this law.
